Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Visual Techniques

key words/focus:
camera angle (low, high, eye-level), vectors, lighting, composition

(4:20) How are camera angles used when Joshua says 'Thank you' (not in German)? Which angles are used to view each of the characters? What does each of these angle signify?
 Joshua uses a high camera angle to show the weakness in Joshua while the low camera angle of the German waiter shows that he is much more stronger and more superior. 

(4:45) What shot distance and angle is used to show Guido's concern for Joshua when the German waiter leaves the room? Describe the composition)
It is a eye level with a slight low shot at a medium shot. The composition to the state in the movie is that German is curios and wondering while Guido is fearful and worried.

(4:46) How is shot of Guido contrasted to the shot of the German waiter walking away to tell someone what has just happened? Describe the composition and compare it to the previous shot of a concerned Guido.
The German looks superior with a massive vocal point and the symmetry and the lines all point towards the vocal point making him much more superior and he shows no emotion showing the perfect nature of them while the Guido has an off centre show and less perfect and easier going.

(5:02-05) How is the shot of the German's contrasted to that of Guido teaching the children to say 'Thank You'? 
The Germans have a slightly low angle showing there perfection and superior nature while Guido's has a smaller bent over talking at there level sort of nature.

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