Key Visual Techniques
There are some powerful visual techniques being used in this photo. Take 5 minutes to point out at least 5 aspects of the photo which stand out to you and how they relate to the great anguish that was experienced at this site (create a post on your blog with the photo - don't try to copy and paste photo it won't work).
The dark lighting shows the cold merciless type of people that would send people to work and die in terrible situations. The sun is covered by clouds and is placed on outside of the fence which show that on the other side of the concentration camp there is a glimmer of hope a chance of freedom. All the straight line of the centre fence , the fence on the left hand side and the row of small brick houses all point towards the guard tower which symbolises the control and power of the people watching over the camp. the contrast of the brightness on ether side of the camp on the outside of the fence is much lighter symbolising the glimmer of hope for the people that escape, while the darker side, the side that all the prisoners are staying and sleeping show the sadness and oppression in the times of the camps. Another thing that shows the effect of the German might and the great anguish that was felt in the camp is the methological placing of all the houses and fence posts show that the place was well planned to cause pain and terror.
- Consider the use of vectors, line, contrast, composition, colour, and perspective (there are more techniques)
- How can the visual elements in the photo evoke empathy and reverence from a viewer?
- How is Auschwitz represented in this photo?
- Find another photo of Auschwitz that you feel has an important representation of this place that caused so much pain and destruction. Analyse the use of visual techniques which make it particularly engaging. How does it represent this location?
The straight lines of the train track point toward the main vocal point being the entrance. This works well with the lighting as the exit or "escape of this place" is much lighter than guard house showing the glimmer of hope that is on the other side of the gate and fence. It is done in black and white this makes the contrast between the the darkness of the camp and the lightness of the out side even more confronting. The entire picture makes you feel as if this is a sad place even without knowing where it is. The visual element in this picture help to press that sad feeling of this place.
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