Monday, August 29, 2011

Chapter 7: How Mother Took Credit for Something She Hadn't Done

  • How is the mother's defence of Herr Roller entirely ironic?  she repersentes a german person and there vaules at the time were of a perfect race with no problems or physical defects so her defending him is not what the stereotypical German would do. 

  • What role does Kotler represent historically in the novel? (think beyond being a soldier) he is  the typical teenager making fun of everyone and doing his job not to the best he can do but the fastest he follows there ideas but are scared of the gustopo and they are represented as the heroes but in everyone's else's eyes as the enemies  

  • What character is Kotler juxtaposed with in this chapter? What effect does it have on understanding each of these characters? he is juxtaposed with the fat sergeant as he is young and fit will the fat sergeant is fat and old but  the young guy can make jokes but the fat sergeant can destroy him it shows that the sergeant likes the easy life and the young guy is a "smart guy"

  • How would you compare the interaction Bruno has with Pavel to all the other interactions Bruno has had with adults? Pavel treats him as a much better and more equal even sometimes as a superior this is different with all the other adults as the other adults treat him as a much lower being that deserves the smallest amount of attention that can be given to someone.

  • Why is juxtaposition a key technique employed in Holocaust texts? How has it been used in The Boy in the Striped PJ's? Juxtaposition is very important in Holocaust texts as it help to distinguish the difference between the victims and the heroes and it is used many times like the Nazis and the Jews

  • Monday, August 22, 2011

    Chapter 6 - The Overpaid Maid

    • On pg 60 Bruno reveals a radical shift in his perspective and understanding of Maria. What is this radical shift? What does this show is developing in Bruno? He realise that before she worked in there house she must of had a life and a home and family of her own this shows that Bruno is starting to realise that everything in his world is not perfect like his life and that many people have a very bad life.
    • Compare how Bruno and Gretel treat Maria. Bruno treats Maria like his mother which is kinder and more respective like she a human being that is working for them not just some slave that should be treated like an animal Gretel on the other hand treats Maria like her father treat her which is the opposite in which  the mother and Bruno treat Maria.
    • (pg 65) What is Maria's advice to Bruno about 'keeping safe'? Why do you think that she gives this advice? Do you think that it is good or bad advice? she warns about the fear that his mother and father would go thru if he was to run away, she gave this advice because she is scared that if she tells him to do what ever he want she may lose her job this good advice as it is a bad time to run off as it is war time.
    • (65-6) What is Bruno's reaction to his new thoughts/feelings? Why do you think that he reacts this way? His reaction to these new thoughts and feelings is that he wants to cry and i have no idea why he want to cry 

    Chapter 5 Qu

  • What does it say that we only actually meet the father in the book in Chapter 5 even though he is the one causing much of the action in the book? it shows that he isn't a family man he is a very work related person and enjoys the job that he does

  • the mother says: ‘We should have never let the Fury come to dinner. Some people and their determination to get ahead.’ What theme does this introduce regarding the role of ambition and causing harm? it shows that ambition can cause harm as making everyone hate one group of people makes another group more popular and this means killing Jews so that the Nazi party has more power.

  • How does Bruno's father speak to him? Give an example to support your answer. he speaks down to him as if he is a little boy that has no idea what is happing and needs everything spelt out for him." then im proud of you boy. sit down boy."

  • How would you compare the way Bruno speaks about the world to his father's? Do they both comment about what is going on around them the same? they do not see the world in the same way a reason for this this that Bruno doesn't know what is happing in the world while the father dose so they speak about it in a very different way.

  • How does the father rationalise every concern that Bruno has? he rationalises every concern that Bruno has by saying that he is young and that him and his mother knows what is best for him and the family.

  • What is ironic about what the father says when he comes around the desk and talks to Bruno about his childhood? He speaks of his childhood in a way that no child would ever act when they are young but his real childhood is probably a very different scene

  • Do you think that the father really cares about Bruno? Why/why not? yes i think he cares about Bruno but he doesn't show it this is because if he did not care about Bruno, when Bruno is complaining about how and where they live the father would have been very mean and told Bruno to leave but as the father stayed and listed to Bruno's problems it shows that he dose care.

  • Do you think that Bruno understands what he is saying when he says 'Heil Hitler!'? no he doesn't understand as he think it is just a complex adult way to say goodbye have a good day.

  • How is juxtaposition used in Bruno's description of their boarding the train to Auschwitz? that he doesn't understand how all the Jews have to go into a small train all stuffed together while the Germans aka him got to go into large train with tons of room and even spare chairs

  • What is Bruno's reason for not saying anything to the Jews on the crowded train? How is this a representation of the greater German population? That he doesn't think his mother will think that it is a good thing to do it shows that only a small part of the German population had a good life this being the high ranking German official and the rest of the population had to make do.

  • Saturday, August 20, 2011

    Holocaust Imagery - Hitler at a Nazi Rally

    This is an image of a political rally in 1934, a staple of the Nazi regime. In your own blog post answer the questions below and include the image.

    1. How are vectors used in this image? What effect does it have? the vector lines being the German soldiers holding the German Nazi flag make us focus all of our attention on the part between the two lines this being Hitler the effect that this has is that it makes you feel like all that happened is because of that one man .
    2. Describe the composition of the image and what is tells us about the Nazis and Hitler. the composition screams out that the only important people there are Hitler and the other Nazi members it shows how they had power over millions of people and that they were perfectionists so that every thing that they did was perfect eg being the soldiers and the perfectly straight lines.
    3. How is symmetry used? What effect does it have? symmetry is used in all aspects of the photo being how there are people on both side of the passage way Hitler is walking past and how the Germans and there flags are on the sides this photograph is pretty much perfectly symmetrical.
    4. What effect does this picture being in black and white have? the picture being in black and white shows the age and the total lack of emotion that Hitler and the Nazi party felt for everything and everyone outside of what they wanted.
    5. Discuss the use of line in this image. What effect does it have? the lines in this picture are vector lines this has the effect of making German soldiers holding the German Nazi flag make us focus all of our attention on the part between the two lines this being Hitler the effect that this has is that it makes you feel like all that happened is because of that one man 

    Boy in the Striped PJ's Chapter 4

    • (pg 31) How does the author continue to use juxtaposition in regards to the two housing situations? (the Jews and Bruno's family)  The author Shows that the Jews houses and  living area is very unhealthy place to be living this is compared to the out with house that Bruno hates but compared to the conditions that the Jews are living with it is like a palace
    • What is it about the children that makes it difficult to understand exactly what they see through the window and just how bad it is? they have had a very sheltered lifestyle so that they don't know about the things that is happening to certain people from the dads job.
    • Summarise how Gretel describes what she sees. She says that she sees a farm with all the people working there to supply food to the people that live in the city but Bruno proves her theory wrong as there is no animals or plants
    • What does Gretel attempt to do when she sees the Concentration Camp? How does she attempt to understand what she sees? she invents a story about them being farmers she attempts to understand what she sees with a theory with no proof.
    • Is her attempt successful? Does she convince Bruno that she understands? What does she eventually give in to? What does she say/or not say? (pg 32) No it is not successful as Bruno proves her wrong as there is no animals or plants she tries to prove to Bruno that she understand but he sees thru her.She says that she sees a farm with all the people working there to supply food to the people that live in the city but Bruno proves her theory wrong as there is no animals or plants
    • What can't the children do when they see the Concentration Camp that the adults seem to be able to do? Which group can understand what they see? Why do you think that this is the case? 
    • How does the author use understatement through the children's description of the Concentration Camp? the author uses understatement in this part of the children describing what they see as it shows the innocence in them how they are not aware of the horrible crimes that are happing to the humans in the concentration camp.

    Tuesday, August 9, 2011

    Responding to a Poem Holocaust

    Responding to a Poem
    by Barbara Sonek

    We played, we laughed
    we were loved.
    We were ripped from the arms of our
    parents and thrown into the fire.
    We were nothing more than children.
    We had a future. We were going to be lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers. We had dreams, then we had no hope. We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe smothering, crying, starving, dying. Separated from the world to be no more. From the ashes, hear our plea. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember us,
    for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away

    1. Construct a response to this poem using the same style and structure.
    We read, we watched
    We cried
    We fell from our chairs in shock
    We watched your pain and read your sorrow
    You were nothing more than machines
    We saw your future, rounded up like animals for the slaughter, the chamber and the bullet. Your dreams were shattered with your last breath; all that remain are your memories and your bones. From the ashes hear our plea. We won’t forget you. For we are the children whose dreams and lives are still here.

    2. Be mindful of your perspective. Your poem should be from your perspective.

    3. Utilise the same techniques employed by the authour.

    Chapter 3: The Hopeless Case

    Chapter 3: The Hopeless Case
    1)      Describe how Bruno and Gretel's relationship is introduced in the chapter.
    Bruno and Gretel relationship is one of a typical brother/sister on the outside they hate each other but on the inside they like each other
    2)      List quotes that show how the new house is described. Bruno jumped off the bed and landed with a thud on the carpet. He didn't like the sound it made. It was very hollow and he better not go jumping around this house too often or it might collapse around their ears.
    3)      It was very hollow and he decided that he better not go jumping around this house too often or it might collapse around their ears. What is the significance of this quote? The significance of this quote is that it shows the age of the house and age is commonly placed in the same column as damaged and unwanted.
    4)      What is Bruno's reaction to the new house? Bruno’s reaction toward the house is as if it was a sad boring place with no people nice or mean and the very opposite of the house or the culture of what they had in Berlin an example of this is "But there were no other streets around the new house, no one strolling along or rushing around, and definitely no shops or fruit and vegetable stalls. When he closed his eyes, everything around him just felt empty and cold, as if he was in the loneliest place in the world. The middle of nowhere. "
    5)      How does it compare to their old house? The new house compared to the new house is the very opposite where the old house was large grand and spectacular with friends and a nice and enjoyable environment the new house is a very sad depressing sort of feel to it. the new house also doesn't have the culture that the old won had with all the different people and there shops and the likes the new won has no other shops and not even another house.
    6)      How does Gretel relate to her father? Gretel relates of her father as having a very sure knowledge of what is going on an effect that she just expects what is going on and so gives up on trying harder to understand.
    7)      Does Bruno understand where they are? What makes you believe this? No I don’t think he is sure where they are as if he was he probley would be much sadder and question what happens in everything.
    8)      Does Gretel understand where they are? Explain. No she doesn’t either fully as she is also surprised with the children outside in the “bad houses”.
    9)      How is Bruno's description of 'Out-with' representing a motif? What is darkly ironic about this?
    10)  Read pgs 27-29. How are Bruno's and Gretel's reaction to 'the children' Bruno sees through the window different? What does this tell us about these two characters and their perception/understanding of where they are? They both see them as a  weird thing to have and that they don’t have very good houses this is both agreed how they want to leave the place after that encounter

    Sunday, August 7, 2011


    Holocaust Poetry

    Read the poem and answer the question below. Include both the questions and the poem in your blog post.

    by Barbara Sonek

    We played, we laughed
    we were loved.
    We were ripped from the arms of our
    parents and thrown into the fire.
    We were nothing more than children.
    We had a future. We were going to be lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers. We had dreams, then we had no hope. We were taken away in the dead of night like cattle in cars, no air to breathe smothering, crying, starving, dying. Separated from the world to be no more. From the ashes, hear our plea. This atrocity to mankind can not happen again. Remember us, for we were the children whose dreams and lives were stolen away.

    1. What is your initial reaction to this poem? My initial feeling when reading this poem is a feeling of immense sadness and a immense disgust in what the Germans did to these poor innocent children.
    2. How does the author use 'we' in this poem? The use of "we" in this poem makes it more personal as it make it feel like you did this to her not just the the children but actually to this person (collective pronoun) it is also using repetition 
    3. What are the verbs used in the first sentence?  laughed and played loved 
    4. What are the verbs used in the second sentence? Hot is do they contrast with those used in the first sentence?  the words are ripped thrown these are negitive words that are the exact opposite of loved and laughed. one is with neutering and the other is getting rid.
    5. What effect does the listing of 'lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers'? What is it meant to signify? these jobs are respectable law abididing jobs that could of had a massive positive effect on the whole of mankind. that you are tearing people loved ones away from humanity. It also helps it to relate to the reader.
    6. What simile is used in the poem and what effect does it have? Like Cattle in cars the effect is that they were herded to the slaughter (alliteration
    7. How has the poet represented herself in the last sentence? she represents herself as one of these children that had this terrible harm brought upon them at such a young age (direct speech)
    8. If you could communicate to this person, a victim of the Holocaust, what would you want to say? What do you feel that you must do in your life as a response to this poem? I would say sorry for everything that has happened what they did and that no one not even the people that did this to you deserve this. Dont give up on your dreams as we are gifted enough to be able to reach them

    The Boy in the Striped PJ's - Chapter 2

    The Boy in the Striped PJ's - Chapter 2

    • Using quotes, how is the new house described?
    the house is described as a sad boring place with no people nice or mean and the very opposite of he house or the culture of what they had in Berlin an example of this is "But there were no other streets around the new house, no one strolling along or rushing around, and definitely no shops or fruit and vegetable stalls. When he closed his eyes, everything around him just felt empty and cold, as if he was in the loneliest place in the world. The middle of nowhere. "

    • How does it compare to the house in Berlin? How is this an example of juxtaposition?
    The new house compared to the new house is the very opposite where the old house was large grand and spectacular with friends and a nice and enjoyable environment the new house is a very sad depressing sort of feel to it. the new house aalso doesn't have the culture that the old won had with all the diffrent people and there shops and the likes the new won has no other shops and not even another house.

    • How is Bruno's reaction and discussion of the new house taken by the other characters? What is ironic about the way people treat Bruno's comments regarding the new house?
    they are saying something and doing something else
    • Do you feel empathetic towards Bruno's new home? Why/why not?
    • no as he has it east compared to the  Jews

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    Bruno's Voice, introduction of characters, and victims

    • Describe Bruno's voice. Give examples to support.
    Bruno's voice is a voice that is soft and innocent he also speaks in a very polite educated way this is because when he does not do what his parents say he gets into a lot of trouble an example of this is 'Say goodbye to Karl and Daniel and Martin?' he continued, his voice coming dangerously close to shouting, which was not allowed indoors. 'But they're my three best friends for life!'

    • What characters are introduced? Describe each and give examples to support.
    Bruno he is a small boy that comes from a very wealthy family he is well educated and very polite 'Mother,' said Bruno, marching towards her, 'what's going on? Why is Maria going through my things?'Mother she is the mother and says all is equal but actually likes Bruno more than his sister'He would miss you both equally,' said Mother, for she was a great believer in not play-ing favourites, which Bruno respected, especially since he knew that he was her favourite really."

    • Who are presented as victims in this chapter and what are the victims of? Do you think that it is fair to consider them victims?
    Bruno and the mother are represented in this chapter as the victims in this chapter they are the victims of the allies bombs and shells I believe that it is fair to consider them as victims as Bruno is just a young boy and him and his mother have not done any harm to anyone. Also a lot of books and movie's are very one sided about the holocuast because not all Germans believed that killing Jews and doing the terrible thing that happened the right thing to be doing.
    • Irony is an important element of the story. How is it used here in the first chapter? Give examples to support your answer.
    Irony is used in the first chapter as the Bruno and mother are the victims but the father is a Nazi high person and causing so much pain and anguish. but we are meant to feel sorry for someone that is very well of financially. 

    • How is the setting presented in this chapter?
    The setting in this chapter is of a wealthy family with a high ranking German official as the father and living in a large expensive house in the wealthy part of Berlin during the war time.

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    Key Visual Techniques

    Key Visual Techniques
    There are some powerful visual techniques being used in this photo. Take 5 minutes to point out at least 5 aspects of the photo which stand out to you and how they relate to the great anguish that was experienced at this site (create a post on your blog with the photo - don't try to copy and paste photo it won't work). 

    The dark lighting shows the cold merciless type of people that would send people to work and die in terrible situations. The sun is covered by clouds and is placed on outside of the fence which show that on the other side of the concentration camp there is a glimmer of hope a chance of freedom. All the straight line of the centre fence , the fence on the left hand side and the row of small brick houses all point towards the guard tower which symbolises the control and power of the people watching over the camp. the contrast of the brightness on ether side of the camp on the outside of the fence is much lighter symbolising the glimmer of hope for the people that escape, while the darker side, the side that all the prisoners are staying and sleeping show the sadness and oppression in the times of the camps. Another thing that shows the effect of the German might and the great anguish that was felt in the camp is the methological placing of all the houses and fence posts show that the place was well planned to cause pain and terror.
    • Consider the use of vectors, line, contrast, composition, colour, and perspective (there are more techniques)
    • How can the visual elements in the photo evoke empathy and reverence from a viewer?
    • How is Auschwitz represented in this photo?
    • Find another photo of Auschwitz that you feel has an important representation of this place that caused so much pain and destruction. Analyse the use of visual techniques which make it particularly engaging. How does it represent this location?
    The straight lines of the train track point toward the main vocal point being the entrance. This works well with the lighting as the exit or "escape of this place" is much lighter than guard house showing the glimmer of hope that is on the other side of the gate and fence. It is done in black and white this makes the contrast between the the darkness of the camp and the lightness of the out side even more confronting. The entire picture makes you feel as if this is a sad place even without knowing where it is. The visual element in this picture help to press that sad feeling of this place.


    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    Donald Duck

    1. How are the Germans (and Japanese) portrayed in the opening sequence? How is irony created?They say they are a superior race while the characters are the exact opposite they are singing how amazing they are but they are looking like the clumsiest and weirdest group alive.
    2. How is propaganda and the effect of propaganda portrayed with the introduction of Donald Duck? by having no sleep he has a harsh life under the rule of Hitler and the Nazi regime it is showing that they are not what the Germans say they are. they are force to live a life of only the Nazi regime.
    3. How is irony continued into the breakfast scene? He lives of wood and the smell of bacon and eggs and a coffee bean dipped in water. They are only feeding the army to control the other people.
    1. How is Naxi Germany portrayed in the opening shot at 3:30? As a environmentalist ugly smelly place with no happiness at all
    2. What is ironic about the song lyrics regarding work and what is happening in the scene? they have to work 48 hours a day and be happy that vacation is a picture and being chosen to work over time they will never be slaves even if they are being treated and being forced just like a slave constant never ending work
    3. What does the conveyor belt portray regarding the lifestyle of Germans? being worked and expect to be happy while "hailing Hitler constantly"
    4. Why do you think that there aren't actually any people that force Donald to work? We only see the ends of bayonets and a speaker. it seems as they are more important faceless mass of germans and more emphasis on donald duck all the culture is against them
    5. What is ironic about the vacation? it is a picture and it is trying to encourage them to work harder for the Nazi regime Its not a vacation at all
    6. In the dream sequence, how are the Germans portrayed? Why? as evil people that will ruin all that the allies have worked for they are portrayed as evil people
    7. What do the pajamas when we see Donald in his bed tell us? that it was a dream and that he is actually American
    8. What is the Statue of Liberty used to convey? freedom hope and happiness
    9. How is Hilter portrayed at the end of the film? What is it about his face that is important? he is very ugly and has a massive nose
    10. Why is this a representation of propaganda? Why is it actually ironic considering the way the Nazi's are portrayed? as it is all one sided and that it is ironic because the Nazis want everyone to think of them as professional soldiers and more elite that the normal person
    11. Who are the villains, victims, and heroes? villain Germans Hitler victim and hero is Donald Duck
    12. How are the portrayed?one as the very tip of evil and the other as the poor defenceless victim
    13. What can you conclude about how these characters are portrayed knowing that this was produced in 1943 USA? (write a short essay including a discussion of the director's use of film techniques.)
    The characters a portrayed in a way to make everyone believe that the Nazis were the worst thing in the world and that if they did not win the war there life would be ruined. This was very one-sided but that is what the director wanted as it would make the Germans less confident in there army and the allies most notably the Americans would be more patriotic and put more effort into helping the war cause eg working harder and enlisting to the army to fight.

    Visual Techniques

    key words/focus:
    camera angle (low, high, eye-level), vectors, lighting, composition

    (4:20) How are camera angles used when Joshua says 'Thank you' (not in German)? Which angles are used to view each of the characters? What does each of these angle signify?
     Joshua uses a high camera angle to show the weakness in Joshua while the low camera angle of the German waiter shows that he is much more stronger and more superior. 

    (4:45) What shot distance and angle is used to show Guido's concern for Joshua when the German waiter leaves the room? Describe the composition)
    It is a eye level with a slight low shot at a medium shot. The composition to the state in the movie is that German is curios and wondering while Guido is fearful and worried.

    (4:46) How is shot of Guido contrasted to the shot of the German waiter walking away to tell someone what has just happened? Describe the composition and compare it to the previous shot of a concerned Guido.
    The German looks superior with a massive vocal point and the symmetry and the lines all point towards the vocal point making him much more superior and he shows no emotion showing the perfect nature of them while the Guido has an off centre show and less perfect and easier going.

    (5:02-05) How is the shot of the German's contrasted to that of Guido teaching the children to say 'Thank You'? 
    The Germans have a slightly low angle showing there perfection and superior nature while Guido's has a smaller bent over talking at there level sort of nature.

    Monday, August 1, 2011

    Assement notes

    Help for English
    ·        Important words (In the science fiction world of enders game progress is propelled by fear.)
    ·         In the science fiction world of Enders game fear propels progress.
    1.      Science fiction+ genre + Conventions/Techniques (future, space travel, aliens, apocalypse, technology)  that make it uniquely science fiction it focuses on the genre
    2.      Fear- apocalypse is the main factor that produces fear which in turn effects the progress of enders game. Some fears (death, loss of someone, xenophobia ( fear of foreigners) fear of war, fear of becoming peter ( mean and a killer and cruelty) fear of conflict, fear of failure.
    3.      Propelled- the internet effect politics
    4.      Progress- fear of conflict so that finishes the battle convincingly (eg the bully Stanley and Bonzo so that it won’t happen again) Ender is challenged and get stronger to not disappoint the world. Alliances are made for the fear of damage this also helped peter become a leader. Character development ( disappointment becoming like peter)  Fear progress by (ender is challenged which leads to him developing as a country. The fear of the country’s allow peter to become a leader, this in real life fear propels technology and knowledge)

    Cavs Guide
    How to Write an Essay
    1)      Read – React
    2)      Hypotheses – Unpack the Question/Prompt and react to this
    3)      Research
    4)      Stream of consciousness Reread writing ( if all fails go back to #2)
    5)      Drafting – organise thoughts/ideas  ( use the structure)
    6)      Editing/Revision

    ·        Grab attention (1-2 sentences)
    ·        General discussion of topic (1-3 sentences) (Highlight of important aspects of important aspects of book focused upon)  (futuristic technology sci fi)
    ·        Thesis ( 1 sentence)
    ·       Paragraphs
    ·        Topic sentence (mini Thesis)
    ·        Examples from text
    1.       Introduce quote (Give relevance to topic sentence)
    3.      Explain the quote – why it is important to the topic sentence/thesis
    ·        Transition – connects one paragraph to another paragraph
    ·        Sum up and relate back to thesis
    ·        Restate points
    ·        Relevance (put back into the real world)

    ·        Fear make people rush into choices
    ·        Cold war (Russia)
    ·        Technology advancement’s
    ·        1980 glimpse of their life

    Marking criteria
    1.      Skilful interpretation of the question and us of language features, forms and structure to craft an exposition essay
    ·        You the writer
    ·        Quotes
    ·        Argument
    ·        Repetition, alliteration
    ·        POINT OF VIEW (OPINION)
    2.       Evaluates how the text sustains or challenges established cultural assumptions
    ·        Rights  (no fear) the right to have no fear)
    ·        Buggers are all evil and (xenophobia)
    ·        Conflict = advancement which in turn makes us more peaceful
    ·        Fear of foreigners are challenged near the end
    ·        We would not have many thing except for fear (internet, GPS, Mobile Phones) society is based on fear
    ·        Paradox (we are more advanced so too make less fear but there would not be advancement without fear)
    3.       Analyses the composers choice of language modes, forms and features and structures to shape meanings.
    ·        Dialogue at the front of chapter (Graff and the other guy) creates Dramatic Irony as we know more than the main character.
    ·        The emotive language of the buggers makes the xenophobia more realistic as you only hear on side of the story.
    ·        Relate the child numbering back to fear of conflict the reason is the over pop is related to the crime rate and conflict if using get statistics.