CAS swimming is a highly prestige's event with the best of all the school's around us coming together to fight it out in the swimming pool for the greatly prized CAS swimming Cup.
Many of you will not want to go to this event as you have more important thing's to do but I ask you, what is more important than cheering and supporting your friend's, your grade, your school. Is TV, is Playstation, is lying around doing nothing more important than winning the cup back from Trinity.
Trinity has held the cup for to long and we must win it back two thousand and eleven is not an end but a beginning of an era of greatness, an era of wonder, an era of Knox. Many people will say that we can't do it say trinity is to good, to strong but if everyone gives it there heart and soul we can do it we will win back the cup we can and will be victorious.
Many Knox boys have swum before us and succeed if we can't win back the glory of our school how can we wear our uniform knowing that we let down the pride of our school by not being there and supporting our school in it's time of need.
I have a dream that all the Knox boy's standing together supporting our school
I have a dream that trinity will run back to hiding after win not just win back the cup but take so firmly that all other school's will be scared to verse Knox in anything
I have a dream that all the Knox boy's that came before us will be envious of our support and our victory
I have a dream that even the headmaster will be surprised by the momentous amount of support that everyone of us can put out.
I have a dream that we will be so loud with our cheers and support that no one will be able to hear the whisper's of trinity and barker and all the other schools that dare to stand before us and try to win our cup.
so if all of you are not with me on the night of CAS you should be ashamed of yourself and regret deciding to stay at home and putting your TV or play station before your school that gives you so much and asks you for so little in return.
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