Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chapter 13

(134) How does the initial paragraph frame Bruno's state of mind? he had been quite happy as he had found a new friend and that he did not miss Berlin as much as he used to.

(136) What does the question Bruno asks Maria show about his development? It shows that he starting to realise that this world that he lives in may not be as perfect as he used to think it was.

(137) What is important about Maria's reaction to Bruno's question? that it inst as bad as she thought was and then she knew if she told her too much her job and/or even her life could be on the line if she answered it the wrong way or it reached his father or mother.

(138) Why does Bruno want to tell Shmuel about Pavel? What does this highlight about Bruno's understanding of what is going on? that he is starting to realise that the world is not a perfect as he first thought it was and he want's to tell Shmuel  that Pavel lived in Poland as well and that he was a doctor.

(140) What do the boys argue about? Who does Bruno defend? Who is right/wrong? Why? the boys argue if there are good soldiers Bruno defends his dad I believe that Bruno is right but not in the way that he thinks there are good soldiers like the UN soldiers and the allies

(140) Shmuel says 'You don't know what it's like here.' and Bruno reacts by saying 'You don't have any sisters, do you?' He says this to avoid an answer to Shmuel. What does this show about Bruno's understanding of what is happening? Hes not sure what is happing and doesn't want to look dum in front of his new friend. but he is starting to realise what is happing

(141) What connection do the boys have regarding Lt. Kotler? they both think he is mean but this is ironic as they both think he is mean in a different way one being a lot more extreme than the other. 

(142) What has changed in the the way Bruno sees Pavel? He sees him more as a person than a dot in finding out that he has friends and family and almost might see him as part of an extended family much in the same way as he sees Maria.

(143) What important words are used to describe the way the father eats and addresses Bruno? What makes them important? How do they relate to the scene and the father as a character? the father eats in an aggressive way and talks to Bruno as if every word he speaks is an insult to him this shows that the father may be under some stress and could be that the father is change in the way he used to be.

(145) We learn Lt. Kotler's first name - 'Kurt'. What is it about the sounds in his full name that are important? 'Kurt Kotler' not sure

(146-7) What do we learn about Kotler's father? What is Bruno's father's reaction/suggestion regarding Kotler's father leaving Germany for Switzerland? that he left Germany and moved to switzerland which is a nuetral country and the father is not very happy about this and gets quite aggressive about it.

(148) What happens to break the tension at the dinner table? What does Kotler do and what are everyone's reactions? What does Bruno decide regarding disagreeing with anyone anymore after seeing what happens to Kotler? What does this relate to historically in regards to the Nazis?  he says that he enjoyed history he says that  he doesn't talk to his father as his father got very angry it relates to the nazis as any person that is not "perfect " it effect everyone elses lives.

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