Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hw convince your parents

Mum, Dad believe that is should have more pocket money as all my friends are able to afford item's that I can't afford also in exam's friends get awards for doing well and I'm not so as I'm not getting much money I'm able to afford the thing's that I want.

Mum, Dad believe that is should have more pocket money as I know what life is like as a teenage kid in the 21 century and I am not able to buy the music and equipment to keep me satisfied so I would like to get a increase in my pocket money and/or a increase in prices for work such and lawn mowing and car cleaning.

Mum, Dad believe that is should have more pocket money as all my friend's are earing more mony than me with me earing $3 a week I have friend's earning $50 a monthand some earning up to $75 a month i'm not asking to go to that level but i would like to at least to earn a bit more so I can buy thing's that I would like.

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