Thursday, April 28, 2011

Andrews work evaluation

Persuasive genre
Andrew Persuasive Writing
Score 1-5
The writer’s capacity to orient, engage and persuade the reader
Text structure
The organisation of the structural components of a persuasive text (introduction, body and conclusion) into an appropriate and effective text structure
The selection, relevance and elaboration of ideas for a persuasive argument
Persuasive devices
The use of a range of persuasive devices to enhance the writer’s position and persuade the reader
The range and precision of contextually appropriate language choices
The control of multiple threads and relationships across the text, achieved through the use of grammatical elements (referring words, text connectives, conjunctions) and lexical elements (substitutions, repetitions, word associations)
The segmenting of text into paragraphs that assists the reader to follow the line of argument
Sentence structure
The production of grammatically correct, structurally sound and meaningful sentences
The use of correct and appropriate punctuation to aid the reading of the text
The accuracy of spelling and the difficulty of the words used
   34 /50

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is it Cruel to Keep Animals in a Cage

So many animals have died only seeing the inside of a cage, this is not what nature planned for them. Animals should have the right to see and feel the wonder of the great out doors to feel the rain, the sun and the wind not to feel there faeces and the cleaners hose, this is not what nature planned for them. can you imagine the pain and pure boredom of staying in a cage only slightly bigger then yourself doing nothing and barely being able to move a single muscle or stretch aching joints, this is not what nature had planned for them.

It is inhumane to keep animals in cages that are unclean and to small, all animals should have the right to be able to move around on natural surfaces and eat food that is natural to where they live not dried pellets and canned extracts. Animals should also have the ability to run around and enjoy there life not be stuck in a cage only barely bigger than themselves.

Some people say that it is alright to keep animals in cages if they are hurt, sick or endangered but the only reason they are endangered is because of human hunting and the destruction of there natural habitats again by human. Also the injuring of animals is either a natural cycle or is caused by human innervation like the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico.

So to conclude the keeping of animals in cages for any reason is completely inhumane and should not be practised any where in the world. Nature did not plan for them to live in cages so why should they!